Arizona Flirts With Needless and Expensive Legal Bill

The Arizona legislature has recently passed a bill that will create the most aggressive state immigration law in the nation.  If the Arizona Governor signs the bill, the law will require local law enforcement officers to question those individuals who they “reasonably suspect” are unauthorized immigrants.  The law will essentially require all noncitizens to carry identification at all times (even when on their own private property).

Unfortunately, I would love for anyone to explain how some can have a reasonable suspicion of being an undocumented immigrant?  Is it because he or she speaks a language other than English?  Is it because the person is not Caucasian?   There is no arguable way to have a “reasonable suspicion” of a person’s immigration status without conducting racial profiling – an unconstitutional practice.

If the bill is made into law, expect Arizona to be paying an enormous amount of money defending itself from lawsuits which it will most likely lose in the end.

Not to mention, if the law is passed, it may cause many immigrants to leave the state (along with the tax dollars they pay).

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